One Week Left!

The Mechatronics Fourth Year Design Symposium is only one week away! We’re excited and we wish all the other groups the best of luck preparing their projects in this last week.

We’ve been working hard too. We’re going to be painting our device in the next few days. This also allows us to practice disassembling and assembling it for the Symposium day.

More importantly, we have started collecting balance data from participants. We’re working hard to get our correlation software running in time for the Symposium. Currently we can plot a participant’s centre of pressure over time, which has already given us intriguing insight into the differences in the balance of a person with PCS and a healthy person.

Testing Begins!


  • We have updated several parts of our website, including the Team section and a new Logo!
  • The team has finished preparing the device for biometric data collection. We have also received Research Ethics clearance.
  • This means that we can begin the collection of biometric data on people other than ourselves. Hopefully we’ll be able to create our correlation algorithms soon.
  • We recently received our iron rings, and we’re all very happy about that
  • Design Symposium is only 3 weeks away. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but we’re excited and wish all other teams good luck!

Welcome to Aceso Labs!

Welcome to Aceso Labs! We are a team of five students, all in our final year of our undergraduate degrees at the University of Waterloo Mechatronics Engineering Program. We are designing a asymptomatic concussion symptom biometric suite. For more information, feel free to look around our website.

The first draft of our website is now complete! Come back here for frequent updates about our technology and progress.